Sunday, 30 June 2013

Monday, 24 June 2013

Vapage Vmod 2.0 Review

In depth written review coming soon. Stay tuned.

3 Bottles of E-liquid from TastyVapor.Us

Tastyfinger,Caramel Popcorn and Watermelon bubblegum tastyvapor flavours in extensive testing. Video reviews will be coming up soon. Stay tuned! In the meantime,get these and other TastyVapor E-liquid at ;)

Poldiac Brass Edition by MMvapors Review

In depth written review coming up shortly..

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Attention all Vapers!!

Hey guys,I'm thinking of putting loads of different kinds of mod reviews on this blog. From You guys of course. As you know it's pretty pricey to keep buying different kinds of mods. So if you have a VV/VW mod/mech mod/DIY mod,a youtube account and would like to do a review for it,upload it on youtube and drop me an email at! I will feature it on this blog so you can share the video with everybody :) hope this will work out! Do let me know what you guys think ;) Vape on!