Monday, 8 April 2013

AGR Carto Tank Review

 Ah from the creators of the overly famous AGA-T, comes a Carto tank system dubbed the AGR tank. So,what's so great about this tank compared to the others? Well,it's a carto tank that fits Unflanged carto's. Yes you are right,this will fit your favourite Boge carto's. It comes with 2 plastic tanks one for the standard carto's and 1 for XL versions.(Refer to pic below) The top and bottom cap is made of stainless steel and it comes with an extra adapter with air holes cut into it to provide air flow. The reason for the adapter is because once your carto's is locked in,the connection is pretty short,so the adapter allows your carto to connect with your device. It's a pretty sleek looking device but keep it mine with the 6ml tank it's pretty huge. There's a fill hole on top that you can use to fill your tank. A syringe is need though. Overall the performance of this tank is very good indeed. If you love boge carto's,or anyt carto's that does not have a flange,and it's pre-punched,get this tank. Does the job and will probably last you forever.

+Superb Built quality
+comes in 3ml and 6ml tank
+comes with an adapter that looks good

-pretty expensive
-syringe is needed to fill
-kind of huge(6ml tank)

Conclusion: It's a pretty good carto tank I would say. Just fill in 5ml of juice,and that'll probably last you a good 2 days without having to refill it. Definitely my favourite device so far. 5/5

3ml Tank

6ml tank

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